How Content Marketing Started - Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Content Marketing Unlocked

 Hey everyone, it's Anubhav Kumar, and today is another day ofcontent marketing unlocked.

How Content Marketing Started - Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Content Marketing Unlocked

As I mentioned, four weekcourse, we're on week one, and today we're going to be covering the history of content marketing. Content marketing has gonethrough a really long history and I'll go into it in a bit. It really involves the same elements that have really improved over the years but a lot of them isstill the same elements, like storytelling. Storytelling is that ageold marketing technique that's been used for thousandsand thousands of years. But nowadays things have digitized and there's a web and theinternet because of that. There's also influencers andthe people who tell the stories make bigger of an impact, but you also had influencersback in the day as well.

 So, where contentmarketing really started, and started to take off is in 1895 it a pioneer in content marketing. Now this next exampleis one of my favorites, and this is the Michelin Star. 

You know how you go to restaurants, there's Michelin's Stars one, two, three, and over the years, it'sbrands like Michelin that created this in theearly 1990s or 1900s, sorry, and that was because they wanted more people driving around in cars. And here's another interestingconcept, soap operas.partnership between radio and television programming, and they created a lotof these soap operas.

Here's a quote from Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, "We saw that a thousand results weren't necessarily asuseful as 10 good ones. We believed we couldbuild a better search. We had a simple idea that notall pages are created equal. Some are more important." So when you're creating content, it's important to know, yes,there's different types, but you need to createamazing, awesome content or else you're not goingto do well in the long run. So whatever type of content you decide that you want to go with, and choose whether it'sa blog post, or a video, or a course, or eBook, ora Forum, it doesn't matter. There's some things that you need to do if you fundamentally want to succeed. It first starts off byunderstanding your target audience. If you don't understandyour customer's needs, what they want, their problems,how do you write to them? How do you end up creating content that sells and helps them, so then that way they havethat loyalty towards you? 

By understanding your target audience and what they're looking for,you can better serve them and that'll help you generatesales in the long run. So some things to lookout for are the age, the demographics, thelocation, the language, what part in the buyingprocess are these people in, who has a spending power, arethey in the B2B sector, B2C, are they a college student,are they a high school student, are they, you know, a senior citizen, whatever they may be,by understanding this, you're much more likely to create content that resonates to them. 

What do they do on a daily basis, where do they spend their time? This is important because if you know that they spend alltheir time on Facebook, would you want to promoteyour content on Snapchat when they spend it on Facebook? Of course not, you ratherfocus promoting your content for wherever they spend their time. If all your audience is really young and they spend their time onSnapchat, but not Facebook, why would you want to spendall your time and energy promoting on Facebook? You would want to go withthat platform that they're on. And you'll get a betterunderstanding of this when you understand your customer journey. From how they discover theirproblem, to understanding it, to figuring out solutions,to what options they have, to looking at competitorsor multiple players, to even picking, and then applying that product to whatever problem that theyhave, so that way it's solved.

 And if you're not surewhere to get started, a simple way is lookingat your competition. If your competition isdoing something well, and you know they're being successful, then starting by looking at their strategy is an easy way to figureout where to start. And I like doing this byfinding valuable keywords. The more valuable keywords you find, the more traffic you'll get. because as we learnedin our previous lesson, Google makes a majority of the revenue from content and keywords. Keywords help Google understandwhat people are looking for.

 So how do you findthese valuable keywords? Well, first you need topick the right keywords because if you pick the rightones, you'll make money, and if you don't you'll get traffic, but the traffic won't convert into sales, traffic without sales is useless. So let's take an example of Gillette. It's a big old company,everyone knows them, owned by Procter &

 Gamble, they're one of the firstrazorblade companies out there. And if you think about them, all right, let's say you're selling razorblades, and you can do thisfor anything, B2B, B2C, eCommerce services, it all works. So the first step is to go to Ubersuggest. 

And when you go to Ubersuggest, type in any keyword related to your field and click on the keyword ideas report on the left-hand navigation. And for this example, Ityped in shaving razor. It'll tell you all the otherkeywords that are lucrative, that are great, that you should target, and it bases them on searchvolume, the cost per click, the SEO difficulty, whichis the number on the right, the higher the number, theharder it is to rank for, the lower the number, theeasier it is to rank for. Ideally you want to findkeywords that are 40 or under when it comes to SEO difficulty, because those are easier to rank for. And you want a higher cost per click because if more people arespending money on that keyword, it means it drives more sales. 

You can also find a lot ofamazing examples on Wikipedia. When you search for anything,let's say like shaving, it'll give you things or keywords or ideas and what people are searching for such as the history of shavingmints, shaving in religion, these are all things thatyou could potentially target. Reddit's another one. You'll say, "Oh, okay, people aren't just looking for shaving, they're looking for razors, they are looking for shavingcream, maintaining a beard." Yeah, you may be like, "Hey,why would someone use a razor to maintain a beard?"  Forums are another great place.

 You can type in yourkeyword on Google plus Forum and you'll see what peopleare typing or discussing. Things that people arediscussing more frequently than others, typically arekeywords that are good. Now going back to Ubersuggest, if you're still on thekeyword ideas report, there's multiple tabs likesuggestions, related questions, prepositions, comparisons. If you click the related type, you'll find the most amount of keywords. You should definitely look here because it'll give you more ideas as well. Same concept, find keywordswith a high cost per click and a low SEO difficulty. SEO difficulty is also stands for SD. And then I love going to the questions because you can see whatquestions people have. This gets people earlierin the buying journey before they reallyunderstand their problems, and then you can help themsolve it with your content and then with your product. You can also look at prepositions, those are longer term opportunities. 

And then of course, there's Google Trends. Google Trends shows youif something's going up, down, seasonal, what othertrending topics are there, gives you more ideas of what to go after. I also love Quora. Quora is an amazing place with a lot of question and answers. The ones that have a lotof votes, a lot of replies, typically have keywords that are juicy because Quora gets a ton oftheir traffic from Google. Amazon Reviews are another place if you're seeing everyonetalk about the same thing, probably topics and keywordsthat you should be going after, because people areinterested in that topic. Now, going back to Ubersuggeston the left-hand navigation,

 I want you to click on Content Ideas. This will show you blogposts around the web based on popularity from socialshares to estimated visits, the visits are based onGoogle traffic and backlinks. So the more estimated visitsthey have from Google, the more backlinks they have, and the more social shares, the more traction that content has gained, which means the more popular it is. And when you're going through it, just make sure you're pickingblog posts that are good, high in quality, andconsider going out there and creating betterversions of that content because that'll get you traffic. If it already worked once, if you create a much better version of it, the chances are you'regoing to do well too. 

And then I want you to go backto the Keyword Ideas Report and look for upselling opportunities. And some of these could be, you know, comparison keywords like DollarShave Club versus Gillette, or Gillette versus Harry's, or Dollar Shave couponcode, Dollar Shave Soap, Dollar Shave shaving cream. Anytime people arelooking for these things, and you already know they aresearching for your products, consider adding themon upsells or checkouts or create content around them, and you can talk about Dollar Shave Club, but if I was GilletteI would then talk about how we offer X, Y, and Z thatDollar Shave Club doesn't so people should come back.

 Now, if you pick the right keywords, your content will be more successful, get more traffic, andyou'll generate more sales. If you don't well, you won't do well. So I want you to refine your keyword list. Look at all the keywords you found, look for the ones thathave high search volume, ideally above 1,000, worst-case above 250 that are low in competition. In other words, have alower SEO difficulty score of 40 or lower, have commercialintent like buying keywords the longer the moredescriptive the keyword, the more commercial intent, and then you want to group them together so then that way, youknow where to use them. When you refine your keywords, think about which oneshave good profit margins, the higher the CPC,typically the more value, and the more money thatis going to make you if you rank for it. I also like taking mykeywords, group them together, and create content on the same topics. So I wouldn't have 10 blogposts on how to shave, 

I would have one post. And yes, if a lot of people are searching for Dollar Shave Club, I may have one or twoarticles on Dollar Shave Club, I wouldn't write 10 or 100articles on Dollar Shave Club. But by being more specific and having more thoroughcontent and less pages, you'll tend to do better in the long run. Now here's an interestingchart from Hrefs. What they found is the easier the keyword, the less traffic it has,the lower volume terms. You can get rankings muchquicker in less than a year while the more competitiveterms can take well over a year.

 For some of the noncompetitive terms, you can get results within a few months and start dominating searchand getting sales and traffic. Picking the right keywords iswhat I do on And it's done so well, I now generate over 10million visitors a month. That's the power of content marketing. But it doesn't just have to work for service-oriented blogs like mine. It could also work forproduct-based websites like Kraft Heinz, as they say, content marketing ROI is 4X our original traditional ad spend. And that's from Kraft Heinz. That's amazing case study and example. And if you look at what they're doing, they understand thecustomer, they take the data, they create content, andthen they engage with them. That process works really well. Nerdwallet is another companybuilt on content marketing. They get a ton of traffic. If you haven't heard ofthem, it's a finance site. 

As you can see, they're getting millionsof visitors a month. The guy who created a Nerdwallet creates really detailedcontent on saving money and getting better creditcards, loyalty programs, travel. And he lost his job, got laid off. He created a Nerdwallet with $800, and now it's worth overa half a billion dollars. We have clients who areleveraging content marketing in pretty much every industry. So whether you're like aNerdwallet, or Gillette or services, or accountant, or a restaurant, a localbusiness, e-commerce, it doesn't matter, it literally works for every single industry.

 Now I want you to go, click on Content Marketing Unlocked, and then I want you to click on the second video in week one. And what I want you to do isfill out these two lessons. The first one is the content steps is to Find and Refine Your Keyword List. And the second one is aContent Outline Template. So make sure you complete both of them, it shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to do both of them, and that'll help you get started on your journeyin content marketing. Thank you for watching this lesson. If you enjoy the video,subscribe to my channel, leave a comment, if you have any question,I'm there to help you out. Share it, tell peopleabout this free course. And of course, if you need extra help and you want us to do yourcontent marketing for you, check out my ad agency