How to Optimize Your On-Page SEO in Less Than 10 Minutes

Hey everyone, it's Anubhav Kumar and today I'm going to teach you how to optimize your on-page SEO in less than 10 minutes. (uplifting music) So, I want you to first head over to or, whatever one, and type-in your domain name. 

How to Optimize Your On-Page SEO in Less Than 10 Minutes

So, I'm gonna type in And you're going to see a report load. This is typically your traffic analyzer report that shows you your overall organic keywords, your monthly traffic, yourdomain score, your backlinks. If you have a newer website, you're probably not going to see any data here or here or even any rankings, but I'm not looking for you to look at this report or spend much time on it. Instead, I want you to go into the sidebar and under SEO analyzer, click on-site audit. 

Now I've already ranmy site As you can see, it was ran recently, and you'll see an on-page SEO score. The higher this number, the better. It goes from zero or one to 100. The organic monthly traffic. Don't worry about this too much because as you get moretraffic, your numbers go up, and you as you optimize yoursite, your numbers will go up. Same with your organickeywords and your backlinks. As you can see here, I scan 150 pages. 

The tool can scan literallyup to 10,000 pages, depending on what kindof account you have, if you're on a premium account. And you'll see the healthcheck of the healthy pages, broken pages, have issues,redirects, blocked. There's some critical errors, some warnings, recommendations. The critical errors tend tobe the ones you fix first. And then there's ofcourse your site speed. Try to get into the greenarea for both of them. It'll tell you what issues you have and if you're not sure what they are, just click on the question mark, and it'll tell you where you have issues and try to fix them. And then it breaks down yourtop SEO issues in order.

 What I want you to do is scroll back up and look at your on-page SEO score. Typically, if you're a 75 or 80 or better, you're doing a decent job. The reason I say that is mostpeople are like, I want 100. Well, as you keep adding new content, and as you keep making newchanges to your website, you're also going to introduceSEO errors, which are fine. It's common, it's standard. But in general, if you'reabove like a 75, 80 you're doing a decent job. It's very rare that you get 100. And if you get 100, you're probably not pushinghard enough on your SEO and creating enoughnew pages, new content, because if you're constantlycreating new stuff, your site won't always be optimized. And that's okay. So, I want you to scroll downto the critical errors first and click on it. 

When you click on it, you'll see all the pages that have issues. And whatever they may be, you can just hover over the what is this and how do I fix it, and click on it. And it tells you what issues this is. So, if you look at what isthis for low word count, without enough text on a page, Google will have trouble understanding what the content is about. If Google doesn't knowwhat the content is about, it won't be able to rank the content for the search terms you are targeting. 

By adding more text you aretelling Google's crawlers and your end users more aboutwhat it is you have to offer. Anything less than a few hundred words is considered thin content and will be nearly impossible to rank for. It doesn't mean it's impossible. I said nearly impossiblebecause for some keywords like how to tie a tie, youdon't need a lot of text. Some images, videos thatexplain how to do it is probably actually better than text.

 And on the right side itgoes over, how do I fix it? And more content on your pageso that it isn't considered thin content has abetter chance of ranking. In general, the average webpage that ranks on page one of Google contains 2,200 words. It doesn't mean that you need 2,200 words. This is just an average stat. Sometimes more is better, sometimes less. And overall, like I mentioned,it breaks down the errors, and I want you to startwith critical errors because these are the most important. And it breaks down in order the difficulty and the impact so thatyou want high impact, and of course you want to do the ones that are low difficulty, and Uber Suggest already breaks that down in order for you. So, let's click on 34pages with low word count. 

The reason I want to gothrough this example, and I'll go through someof the other errors, is with your websiteyou won't be able to fix every single SEO error. Like, my about page has 64 words. I don't need my about pageto have tons of words. If I load up my aboutpage, who is Neil Patel? I have a video that explainswho I am and then comments. And then as you scroll,you'll see the comments load, but there's actually quite a few comments. But in general, not all my pages, like here's one on A/B testing. This is the A/B testing calculator. People don't want a lot of words. They just want to figure outwhich variation of their page when they're running an A/B test to see if which version converts better is winning or losing. The point I'm trying to make is not all of your pageswill be able to be solved when it comes to SEOissues, and that's okay. Solve the ones where it makes sense, especially when it comes tothings like low word count. On pages like duplicate metadescriptions, I look at this. 13 duplicate descriptions and this page, this is the international page. 

Okay, may not need to fix it with Italy. That's okay. But there are some pages that have, like I look at this, meta-description. These three pages haveduplicate meta descriptions. But this is German and this is Spanish. Technically my team shouldhave translated it to German and translated into Spanish, which would solve the duplicate issue. So I need to go and fix that. And I can just go down the list and I would do it for every single one.

 And I would just makesure they're all fixed. And as you fix them, what you'll find is by fixingall these little errors, you're going to rank higherand higher over time. In the short run, you maynot rank where you want to, but if you make thesechanges month over month, you'll start slowly seeingtraction, which is good. And again, as you'regoing through these errors and you're not sure which ones, what they mean or how to fix it, just click on what isthis and how do I fix it? 

And for each error type,it'll break it down. And I just want you to go throughthem, all your SEO issues. And you want to first startwith the critical errors. And then after you do those,then go to the warnings, because the warnings don'tmean that you have to fix them. Sometimes it makes sense to fix them. Sometimes it doesn't. Recommendations, the leastimportant out of them, but start with criticalerrors, then warnings. And in general, when you're looking at your site audit report,after you go through it, you want to make sure youfix your critical errors and have that number asclose as possible to zero. And you won't always be able to because things like low word count for your about page or contact page, it doesn't make sense to have a lot of words. You want to make sure your sitespeed is in the green area. Talk to your developer. They can help you with it. 

Or if you want to do it yourself, you can hover over the question marks. It'll tell you what they mean, and then you will work on it. You can use things like CDNs. That's a content deliverynetwork to speed up your site. You can use things like caching. You can do things like having lazy loads, your images load as the page scrolls. And if you do that and youstart improving your score, you'll notice that yourrankings improve over time. Then the next thing you want to do is after you finish making those fixes, you want to go on the right side, load up this site, auditreport, go back to it. And what you'll want to dois hit the recrawl website. This will recrawl your website and double check thatwhen you fix your errors, did you actually do them correctly, and it'll reanalyze your whole site. So, for this purpose,I'll recrawl Neil Patel. It could take a while. I have a really big site, so sometimes it can take 10, 20 minutes, because now it will probablycrawl over a thousand pages. 

Or technically for me it could actually crawl over 10,000 pages. So, it may take a bit, butas it slowly starts loading, as it keeps crawlingthrough my whole website, I'll see if I did a good job fixing them and I'll go and I'll continually improve. Now, keep in mind the reason the crawler takes a while when yourecrawl your website or even when you crawlit for the first time, we don't want to take ourserver, which you know, we have a big server infrastructure and hit your site toomany times too quickly, because if we do that, what'll happen is we can actually take your server down or create a poor experiencefor your other users. And as you can see, as it's crawling, you'll see this check pages,crawl pages of one to 13.

 It was at seven. It'll keep going up over time. And the goal is to just fixall your critical errors, or get as close as possible to zero. 

So that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll answer and try to help you out. If you need any help, you canalways check out my agency, Neil Patel Digital, wherewe help companies grow. And of course, if you enjoythe video and you liked it, please share it. Tell other people about it. Subscribe to the channel. Thank you very much.