How To Rank #1 For Competitive Keywords - Module 4 - Lesson 1 - Content Marketing Unlocked

Hi, everyone, it's Anubhav Kumar, and today is another day ofContent Marketing Unlocked. We're on our fourth week. I'm going to be breaking down how to rank number one in the long term.

How To Rank #1 For Competitive Keywords - Module 4 - Lesson 1 - Content Marketing Unlocked

 As I mentioned, we're in our fourth week. We're going to be goingover marketing strategies, media outlets, going omnichannel, and of course, scaling upyour content production, but before we start, I wantyou to think about this. Google is changing faster than ever. 

I don't have the latest data because Google doesn't alwaysput out the latest numbers, but there's a continual trend in which Google is continually making more and more algorithm changes per year. Currently, they're makingroughly nine algorithm changes per day on average. Just think about that, nine a day. One of the big things that they made over the years is related to branding. The bigger your brand, the better you are. Eric Schmidt, the ex-CEOof Google, once said,

 "Brand is a solution, not the problem. "Brands are how yousort out the cesspool." Their ex-head of Web Spam,Matt Cutts, he once said, "We actually came up witha classifier to say, 'Okay, "'IRS or Wikipedia or New YorkTimes is around this side, "'and the other low-qualitysites are on the other side.'" They have a lot of things that determine their ranking signal. We actually have a coursethat goes over all of this. it's called, "SEO Unlocked." You can find that In essence, they got a lotof things that are part of their signal, such as branded searches, brands mentioned, links,content, keywords. All these things really matter, but the thing I want toemphasize here is brand. Brand is a thing that noone's really looking at from the SEO standpoint.

 Even though Google is looking at it, a lot of companies are not. Brand isn't just how manypeople are searching on Google for your brand name. It could be how many peopleare sharing your content and getting your brand out there. How many people aretalking about your brand. All those things really do matter. It's a result of causing yourrankings over time to go up. When you think about domain authority, it's a metric that a lot ofpeople talk about all the time in which, "Hey, if you havea higher domain authority, "you're going to end upranking higher on Google." Sure, that is true in most cases, but also if you have a higher brand, you can also increaseyour rankings as well. Ideally, you want a bigger,better domain authority and you want a bigger,stronger, better brand as well. 

How do you build a long-lasting brand that can allow you to rank? A brand is built over time,with consistency of message. Nike, American Express,Wells Fargo, BMW, Mercedes, Emirates, all these brandswere not built overnight. It's consistency, messaging. When you think about Emirates,the airplane company, and flying on them, you think of luxury, and if you think aboutwhere they advertise, they have ads in Golfing,Event, Formula 1. They are trying to be thatprestigious airline company, and that brand was built overtime with consistent messaging of, "Hey, we're apremium airline carrier." How are you going to define your brand? This is super-important, because if you want thatconsistent messaging, you got to first define your brand. Are you going to produce abrand story for your messaging? We're going to give you some exercises that are going to help you do this, because if you follow these exercises, you're going to be better off. First off, 

I want you to fill out your BiggerContribution worksheet. Then, I want you yourunique selling proposition and value proposition, and then I want you to fill out your Target MarketCustomer Insights workbook. You can find these all, then click on Content Marketing Unlocked, then go to Week 4 Video1, it's the first video, and underneath the videoyou'll find these assets. Fill these out, because it'll help you create that positioning, thatway your brand stands out, and it'll help you buildthat consistent messaging, so in that way, you canbuild a strong brand in the long run. You want to use the insightsin your marketing touch points, so you fill out theseworksheets, you go through them, and the worksheets walk you through how to do everything step-by-step, but you want to use thismessaging throughout your content, throughout your meta tag,throughout your ad copy, throughout your lead generation or even email processorautoresponder sequence, or even within your web design. All this really matters.

 That's how you drillit into people's head. We also use it within our product designs, our customer experience. Heck, I even train my supportpeople, my sales calls, all that kind of stuff, toreinforce our messaging, because it truly doeshelp in the long run. I believe is somethingcalled the Rule of Seven. When someone interacts or sees your brand, your messaging, seven times,they're much more likely to remember it and becomean evangelist, so you want to emphasize the same key points, so that way people don'tlet too many get confused. Now that we've gotbranding out of the way, you need to focus on the other things. What are the other things? There's technical issues. Is your site technically set up for Google so that way you can rank higher? Is your content developedfor your target audience? Are you using keyword gaps? 

What's the impact of the links, the social that you're getting? How can you do CRO and take that traffic that you're getting and optimize it. There's a few things thatyou can do to get started. First off, with the technical analysis, you can use Ubersuggest. You can go to the Site AuditReport within Ubersuggest, and it will break downthe technical analysis of your website and what's wrong. You also want to use aKeyword Overview Researching Keyword Ideas Report in Ubersuggest to find more keywords to go over, so that way you can includethe right keywords as well. When you use those tworeports in Ubersuggest, it'll help you with thetechnical analysis side.

 I also want you to download the Content MarketingTaskmaster Worksheet. Again, you can find thisat, click on Content MarketingUnlocked, Week 4, the first video, and this'llgo over all the aspects in the audit, or as I mentioned, you can just use Ubersuggest as well, so I'm giving you two options. You can either do it manuallyor you can just use the tool. The other thing I want you to optimize for when it comes to conversionsis a few key pages. 

One, your "About Us"page, it's your story, it's what helps peoplereally relate to you. The second is your Product Details Page. You usually have this, especiallyif you're in eCommerce. Same with your Product ListingPages, then your Exit Pages. What are the main pages ofpeople leaving your sites from, or even your Landing Pages,or your key Conversion Pages, like your CheckoutPage, your Pricing Page, and any other conversion-related assets, like your email sequences. 

When you do all of this, andyou get more conversions, it'll allow you to spend more time and energy on content marketing, because just creatingblog content isn't enough. People read your blog, but it doesn't mean they're going to convert, so yougot to optimize these things. 

Don't worry, I'll showyou how you can do that. In essence, when someonecomes to your website, it looks like a sales process. It's a funnel. Someone comes to your blog post, then you drive them to other pages, like your Pricing Pageand your Checkout Page, and a portion of those people will buy. How do you really start this process? First off, I recommend doing a exit popup. I know you're like, "Neil, exit popups, "it's intrusive, it sucks," but someone's going to leave your website, you might as well show'im a last-ditch offer. We found out, when you collect emails, people are much more likely to buy when you market them over email. It gives you the abilityto sell over time, weeks, months, years, and that'swhy email's so effective. It allows you to be thattrusted, friendly source. 

Does email want you todo is lead nurturing. You can follow up with yourleads for weeks, months, to a year, and it keeps building value, and that's how you generatemore and more revenue. In essence, if you also educatethem and follow up with them and then sell them, soI like sending out three to four educational emails and then sell. It's much more effectivethan if you just try to sell in all of your emails. You also want to monetize your content. You can do this by ads, andI don't really recommend ads, or affiliates, which I alsodon't recommend too much, but then you get intothe stuff I do recommend, which is selling yourown products or services. You can monetize your contentby collecting those emails and dripping people and sellingthem through the emails, or you can just do front-endoffers on your content pages, or you can do webinars and pushpeople from your blog posts to your webinars, or ask them to subscribe to your programs or even refer people. 

The next thing I want youto do, because we talked about emails, is downloadthe email templates and use it to promote your content. You can head over, go to Content Marketing Unlocked,Week 4, the first video, so that way you can havethe email templates, and that'll help youwith getting more traffic and conversions as well. When you have the right type of traffic, the right sales process,that's when you have something that's truly valuable. That's when you startseeing your revenue go up. Content marketing is very competitive. 

There's over a billionblogs on the Internet, so no matter what space you are in, it is going to be more competitive than it was when I first started. It doesn't mean you can't succeed, there's still a lot of room, but there's a lot of blogs out there, and that's why you needto do these worksheets, to really help you figure outwhat your brand stands for, what it is, what messagingare you trying to convey, how you're going to standout, and then, of course, through Content Marketing Unlocked, you learned thestrategies, the executions. Optimize the whole experience. Build that long-lasting brandand optimize for conversions, because that's what's going todrive revenue in the long run. When you're getting started, you don't have to have a lot of money. 

You can get started even ifyou have no money at all. All you have to do is implement everything that I'm teaching,especially in the courses, the workbooks, the assets, one-by-one. Even if it takes you a fewmonths to get going, that's okay. It's better than nothing else. Literally, just followeverything step-by-step and you'll start seeing results,and as you start doing it, you'll be able to start scaling, because once you startgenerating more revenue, you can hire people, you can hire a team, whether it's writers, editors,researchers, scale up. You can hire people tohelp promote your content. 

just saying, whether it's you building up your team or working with my own ad agency. The last thing I want you to do is check out theGrowth Hacking worksheet. Make sure you go, Content MarketingUnlocked, Week 4, Video 1, you can download it there. 

In essence, there are the threeassets I described earlier, plus there's the Get Branding workbooks, plus there's the EmailMarketing Templates, plus there's a GrowthHacking Workbook as well. Make sure you download all of those, and then that way, you'llbe off and to the races. 

If you have any questions,leave a comment below. We're here to help youanswer them, help you out. If you like the video, share it, subscribe to a channel, letyour friends know about it, and of course, if you needa extra hand-holding help and you want my team to do it for you, just check on my adagency, Neil Patel Digital. Thank you very much.